IMPACT Strategies Promotes Mike Michael to Project Director

June 9, 2022 in Press Releases, Special, Company News

IMPACT Strategies is most pleased in celebrating the promotion of Mike Michael from Senior Project Manager to Project Director.

Mike joined IMPACT Strategies in 2005 as Project Manager. In his 17 years with IMPACT, he has served the firm in various roles, most recently as Senior Project Manager. Mike has managed multiple complex projects throughout Missouri and Illinois, including most recently The Rehabilitation Institute of Southern Illinois and the Siteman Cancer Center in Shiloh.

Michael holds a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana/Champaign and is a LEED Accredited Professional through the U.S. Green Building Council. He is also a Certified Healthcare Constructor (CHC) through the American Hospital Association.

“Mike has been integral in making IMPACT Strategies the firm it is today,” said President, Mark Hinrichs. “Mike is a very successful project manager along with tremendous team builder and problem solver. Recently, he has also had significant responsibility in growing and mentoring our next generation of project managers. Mike continually challenges himself and others to improve and sets an excellent example of our firm’s values.”

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