Altair at the Heights
Altair at the Heights is a four-story residential apartment complex which has been erected at the the intersection of Dale Avenue and Boland Place in Richmond Heights, MO. This premier, 356,000 square foot project included approximately 136,000 additional square feet for a five-story pre-cast parking structure to provide 358 parking spaces to residence.
The apartment building itself consists of 187-units with balconies, a clubhouse and pool area, terraces, an internal courtyard, and a fitness center. Roughly 3,300 square-feet of the 220,000 square-foot building has been allotted for retail tenants.
Inquiries are now being accepted at altairheights.com.
ILI Communities LLC
Fugleberg Koch
Square Footage:
356,000 Apartments & Retail
Square Footage:
136,000 Parking Structure